The walk to freedom programme
The Walk to Freedom Foundation exists to end dependency through a series of programmes covering the areas of: prevention of dependency, intervention to help turn dependency round and supporting people with lasting solutions to make sure they stay in recovery post-dependency.
The Walk to Freedom Programme is at the heart of driving our successful outcomes.
We are currently using the programme post-rehab to help reinforce recovery, our aim is for the programme to be accredited as rehab itself, over time.
We deliver our unique programme both within Batten House our residential home which helps people; post-rehab who aren’t quite ready for independent living and in group sessions for others.
The programme is also about to be published as a A6 paperback book.
The I AM POSSIBLE Youth Mentoring programme
This programme offers support to young people based in Luton and its surrounding areas (Herts, Beds and Bucks).
Its aim is to end dependency before it starts or just as it is beginning to develop, thus intervening to avoid the painful downward spiral too many of our young people currently follow.
The I AM POSSIBLE programme uses qualified youth mentors and in year one, has 25 places for mentees.
Batten House residential home helps formally homeless individuals, who have completed rehabilitation but need ongoing help with their dependancy issues, to help them rebuild their lives whilst preparing for independent living.
At Batten House, we provide a home, a safe haven with a structured activity-based programme that includes: a housework rota, fellowship support meetings, group discussions, social events, regular support from a key worker, plus the ongoing peer to peer support the residents offer each other.
See our Walk to Freedom Programmes section for more information on each of these.
We’re looking for Volunteering mentors! See the jobs/volunteering section for more details.

“I have been on the Walk to Freedom programme for nearly ten months now on and off but by doing their programme I have found that it relates to my situation in a really good way. Sometimes I read the teachings and think that it is talking about me and my situation. I came to the Walk to Freedom because I had a problem with cocaine and cannabis but now I have stopped doing coke and cannabis for 8 months now. I really like the Walk to Freedom because I finally believe I have help from people who really know what I am going through.”
“I heard about the Walk to Freedom and was interested in what they do. I had a friend who needed help, so I met with Mark and he told me about their programme he then took on my friend. I also realized that I had problems in coming to terms with my late sons ad-diction issues and through the Walk to Freedom realized I did all that I could to help my son. I value the Walk to Freedom and would recommend it to any-one that needs help or support.”
“I finally believe I have help from people who know what I’m going through.”
" Ever since the day I gave my mentor my phone I used to drug deal with my life has changed for the better"
I now make better choices for my life and focus on my music and education since leaving gang life and the streets.. Thank you Walk to Freedom
The Workshops that we did inspired me to do something in life and get back into school
The quotes and speeches in the workshops really helped me change my mind
I know it wont happen overnight but now I know I can change
My mentor has stuck it out with me and now he helps me look for something better to do with my life